Sunday, August 9, 2009

Assignment 10: digg

Honestly, I don't like Digg. It's always seemed kind of pointless to me. There are news sites all over that allow you to state your opinion already on valid news articles. Digg just seems to want to toss the mundane and uninteresting as well as pointless in with the things that really need to be discussed. And people are usually favoriting the things that really shouldn't have such a huge spotlight.

I don't know, perhaps I'm just jaded after all this time. I've said it before, I started up on Livejournal. I never saw the point to needing these hundreds and hundreds of networking sites before. But I was also in that generation in between where the dot-com was ending and the social networking was beginning.


I suppose this article about uTorrent 2.0...

I'm a torrenter, and a long time user of 2.0. But to me this is something that should be left on geek blogs and tech news sites. The majority of computer users out there aren't going to know or care what uTorrent is. Feels like a waste of space to me. 501 Diggs when stories about illnesses over seas are getting less than 200. That's a shame, really.

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