Saturday, August 8, 2009

DDoS Attack of Massive Proportions

So, I wasn't sure if anyone from class was aware of it, but aprox. two days ago, major networking sites as well as Google and internet users in Chicago as a whole were affected and disconnected when a DDoS attack occurred, shutting down Twitter, Facebook, as well as Livejournal and nearly making Google crash as well. While Google was able to head off the attack, Twitter and Facebook experienced lengthy downtime, and Livejournal is still recovering from the attack, unable to get out comment notifications as well as unable to allow certain IP addresses to connect due to issues with the programs that help block unwanted attacks. It is uncertain at this time how long LJ will remain with issues, but according to them thousands of bots are still attacking many of these sites.

And the reason for all this nonsense.

One man.

That's right. One person, a single blogger, who was speaking out against the issues of the conflict between Russia and Georgia. They attempted to silence him and him alone by taking out damn near half the internet. The outcry from it has been resounding dissapointement, anger and irritation, and while for Twitter and Facebook users it has dispateda some, Livejournal users continue to echo the plantive cry.

And as an avid user of LJ myself? Well, the problem on my end was mostly fixed by mid-afternoon, but I'm left listening to friends of mine who still can't access, or only can through a proxy server.

If ever there was a need to prove once and for all without any reasonable doubt that the internet brings out the worst in people, this was certainly a step in the right direction.

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